Developing successful students

The College is committed to excellence in teaching and learning. It offers a broad and relevant curriculum catering for the interests and abilities of a wide range of students. ¹ú²ú̽»¨ provides all boys with the foundations, support and environment to excel as learners. Our tailored learning program has been developed to stimulate learning engagement and maximise each individual student’s learning gain.
Since its inception in 1881, the College has attained excellent academic results. This continued in 2023 with impressive performances in the Higher School Certificate (HSC) and Australian Tertiary Admission Ranks (ATARs) results. The College Dux, Benjamin Sestanovic, achieved the highest possible ATAR of 99.95. Ten students were awarded ATARs over 98 and an impressive 26 students above 95. Four students attained state rankings as Top Achievers in Modern History, History Extension and Studies of Religion II. For a full summary of the achievements of the 2023 graduating class, read our latest Achievement Report.
The College aims to preserve small class sizes across Years 7 to 12 to enhance quality teaching and learning. Our state-of-the-art learning facilities provide digital technology, seamlessly integrated into all classrooms and across the curriculum. Additionally, the Centre for Learning Enrichment and the Resources Centre offer a vast array of technologies for student use. Every student has his own MacBook laptop as part of the College’s 1:1 Learning Program and a student IT help desk on site.
Our learning framework is divided into five key areas: Learning relationships, Personalised learning, Learning how to learn, Support and expertise, and Facilities and technology. Find out more.