
boys hugging

Annual fees for 2025

Type Fee (per annum)
Boarding and tuition (Years 7 to 12) $63,330
Day student fee (Years 7 to 12) $45,220*

*includes morning tea, lunch and dinner, as well as supervised study until 8.00pm on weeknights.
An additional $1,100 is charged for all students who commence in Year 11.
The above fees do not include any supplementary charges or GST charges as advised in the Headmaster’s letter to parents at the commencement of each year.

Music fees for Years 7 to 12

Music tuition fee
$2,190 per annum
Music is compulsory for all students in Year 7

Application fee

When a boy is registered for possible future enrolment, a non-refundable GST inclusive application fee of $440 is payable.

Registration fee

A non-refundable registration fee of $4,400 is payable before a boy’s enrolment can be confirmed.

Withdrawal of a student

Withdrawal from the College requires one (1) term’s written notice to the Headmaster. The notice must be given in the term preceding the last term for which a boy attends the College. In the event this does not occur one (1) term’s fees are payable. Laptops and other College property provided must be returned prior to departure.

Building Fund

The College seeks to maintain its fees at affordable levels which in part is based on the continuing support of its building fund to maintain and develop facilities resources for the students. All families should endeavour to contribute voluntarily to the building fund at $1,130 per annum. These donations are tax-deductible and a receipt will be issued.

Payment methods

The College accepts the following methods of payment, in order of preference:

  • School EasyPay online payment (credit cards and direct debits)
  • BPAY
  • Direct deposit/EFT

The College does not accept cash for the payment of fees and charges.

Further information

For further information relating to St Joseph’s College fees, fee schedules and payment methods, contact the College Admissions Office via email admissions@joeys.org or telephone + 61 2 9816 0900.